Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Snow in Leeds and Free Concert

This last Saturday it snowed all day, but there was probably a total of 2 inches that stuck to the ground. However, Leeds completely shut down.  Normally I can call a cab and they pick me up in 5 minutes.  Leeds just has a ton of taxis, which is really convenient! However, every single cab company was shut down on Saturday.   So we found ourselves walking to get to the show we were going to...it was so cold!
As annoyed as I was, the snow made the streets really pretty

One of my flatmates works for a company that puts on various shows around England.  They were having a show in Leeds and he was nice enough to put us on the VIP list so we got in for free! And one of my other flatmates is a DJ, so he was performing and we got to watch him! It was a really fun night with lots of Jamaican Music and DJ's.  I had never been to a concert of that music genre before so it was really interesting and fun!! It was also so nice that all of the flatmates went out together! 
My flatmate Clinton DJing

My flatmate Dave

They had this behind the bar, I was surprised that they really hadn't changed it since November!

They gave us balloons to play with

Clinton again!

My flatmates Clinton and Daniel

My flatmates Ariana, Dave, Clinton, and myself

My flatmate Ariana, my friend Molly, and myself!

Clinton found himself on the poster!!

I was amazed at how no one would drive in such little snow!!!

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