Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superbowl in England

Even though I was not a Patriots or Giants fan, I felt that it was my duty as an American to watch the superbowl! I invited some of my friends and the other international students over and we watched the superbowl. It was fun to explain the superbowl to those who were not from the United States! However the conversation always seemed to get back to a discussion of why the United States refers to Soccer as Soccer, instead of Football like the rest of the world.  

There were 2 bad things about this superbowl...First of all since we were not in America we did not get to see the commercials.  The commercials are always my favorite part of the superbowl so I was very disappointed and was online watching them as soon as the game finished-I love the Volkswagon one with the dog!  Also, because of the time difference, kickoff was at  11:30PM and by the time everyone left it was close to 4AM.  Since I didn't have class till 4PM on Monday I did not mind, but by the end of the night many people left because they were simply too tired and had class the next morning.  Nonetheless it was fun to participate in an American tradition even though I wasn't in the states!
Pepe from Finland and Timothy from France-doing their 'American Gangster' hands

Max the Australian loves American football, even so much that he brought his own Budweiser.  He told me that in Australia he would wake up at 5AM to watch the superbowl

Kat from America, Lucille from France, and Jimmy from Hong Kong

Kyle and Alex from America

By the end of the game there were just 4 of us who stuck it out!

Myself and Max

This weekend I am going up to North Yorkshire, and the weekend after I am going to Edinburgh! I also want to plan some day trips since I only have class 3 days a week!


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